Hoofer Scuba Executive Board Positions

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General Information | Positions

Come join the executive board, it is a great way to gain leadership skills and become more involved with the club! It also comes with added benefits/discounts!

Available positions:

  • VP Local Trips
  • Ambassador's Scuba Liaison


This position is only open to full-time students of the University of Wisconsin-Madison as defined by the Hoofer Scuba Club constitution.

The Scuba Club President is responsible for all club business (with the exception of matters of dive safety if there is a sitting Club Divemaster) and shall preside at all general and executive board meetings. They are also required to be on one of the WUD advisory boards, attend all Hoofer Council meetings, and attend both the WUD retreat and Hoofer Council retreat.

This position does require a larger time commitment than other positions (around 20-30 hours a week); as compensation, the position includes benefits such as tuition reimbursement (60% off the in-state tuition rate), a wiscard stipend ($50 a month), and more!

Vice President - Education

The VP-Education is responsible for all areas of the Club’s educational program, including the scheduling of classes by coordinating with the contracted dive shop and resources associated with them (such as pool reservation if needed). They should also relay all relevant dates and times to the VP-Marketing in a timely manner.

Time commitment can vary depending on the time of year, but many of the duties can be completed by coordinating dates and classes via email or over the phone. Note that the VP-Education will assume the duties of the Club President in the event of an unexpected absence.

Vice President - Marketing

The VP-Marketing is responsible for the creation and implementation of a unified marketing and publicity strategy for the club, especially for the marketing and publicizing of specific Club events, classes, and trips. They will act as liaison between the Hoofer Council VP-Marketing and the Scuba Club, as well as coordinate with the VP-Education and Webmaster for marketing classes and keeping the website up to date.

If you are interested in marketing, this is a great way to get experience! While we are a smaller club, we are still a part of Hoofers - the largest student organization on campus - where you will have the ability to develop your marketing skills and enhance the club from a marketing perspective.

Vice President - Local Trips

The VP-Local Trips is responsible for all areas of the Club’s trips and activities program that are within 250 miles of Madison and last less than four days. This includes posting the event online, ensuring transportation is available, and working with other Executive Board members to coordinate gear check out. This also requires ensuring there is someone with the equivalent of the Stress and Rescue certification (or above) present at every official club dive.

This is a great position to have if you would like to have more input in where we dive. We have some incredible dive sites around the area, such as Lake Michigan, Door County, and quite a few quarries - all we need is someone enthusiastic and ready to help plan! Keep in mind you would not be solely responsible for planning, getting vehicles, and gear check out - there is an entire Executive Board just as interested in getting out diving, and many would be willing to lend a hand if needed.

Vice President - Remote Trips

The VP-Remote Trips is responsible for all areas of the Club’s trips and activities program that are more than 250 miles from Madison or last more than four days. This entails forming a committee to plan all aspects of the trip, including but not limited to transportation, housing, dive spots, and fundraising. Planning for Winter Break trips typically begins in the spring or summer to ensure adequate planning time.

As many of you are probably aware, ocean diving is an amazing experience that all divers should get to experience. Last year, we put together a trip to Miami where we had six incredible dives, two of which were part of a project to restore the coral reefs along the coast. We will start planning this summer and continue into the school year so we can have another amazing trip next winter break; however, this can only happen if we have someone enthusiastic and motivated leading the efforts.


The Secretary is primarily responsible for keeping accurate records of the club's Executive Board meetings, protocols, and constitution. This includes making certain that the Executive Board obtains drafts of the meeting minutes for approval and provides access to minutes for the general members of the Scuba club. The Secretary may call upon another Scuba member to perform their duties in the event of unexpected absences. Additionally, the Secretary is not required (but encouraged) to attend Hoofer Scuba general meetings and socials.

Equipment Manager

The Equipment Manager is mainly responsible for keeping the Scuba equipment locker organized, keeping an inventory of equipement, assessing the condition of club equipment, and ensuring that all required equipment maintenance (whether scheduled or not) is performed. In particular, they should arrange for annual tank VIPs, annual regulator servicing/rebuilding (as necessary), and keep track of which tanks need hydro (every five years).

Through the year, the Equipment Manager must work with the other club officers to ensure that any equipment that needs maintenance receives proper attention (either in-house repair, service or removed from the inventory entirely). The Equipment Manager must also work with other officers to resolve any incidents that might occur regarding rented equipment (e.g. if the equipment is not returned or returned in poor condition).

This is an incredibly important position in the club and is a great way to learn about equipment maintenance and care for if you wish to have your own gear some day. Since it is so vital to what we do as a club, we would prefer for the person in the role to be more experienced with gear; however, if you are really interested in learning more we still encourage you to apply! We are always willing to help teach people more about using, keeping, and caring for gear.


The Treasurer is responsible for all financial records of the club and the yearly budget. They will work with the Hoofer Council VP-Finance to present this budget to the Executive Board and Hoofer Council for approval around February or March. They should also monitor monthly budget updates to ensure all entries are correct and spending does not exceed expectations unless planned for and approved by the Executive Board.

This position doesn’t require a huge time commitment, but it is still incredibly important for the club! Although our annual budget is not as high as some of the other Hoofer clubs, it is a great way to get experience with finances. Prior experience with finance is not necessary, as both the Club President, Hoofer Council VP-Finance, and club advisor are available to help with any questions that come up.


The Club Divemaster is responsible for leading dives and promoting a positive environment. In addition, they have the final say concerning safety on dives and have the right to cancel dives should conditions be deemed unsafe. The Club Divemaster is encouraged (but not required) to attend club socials and general meetings. Proper certification (PADI Divemaster rating or above, or the equivalent in any reputable certifying organization such as SSI, SDI, and NAUI) is required to hold this position.

We greatly appreciate anyone who is willing to help our club function and run by filling this role. You, along with any other volunteer divemasters/trip leaders, are vital to the continuation of the Scuba Club and we couldn’t do it without you. Most of the time commitment for this role involves being on the dives planned, so if you love diving and want to get in water more we would truly appreciate your participation! Many of our dives also include a potluck style lunch as an added bonus for joining us.


The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining all aspects of the Hoofer Scuba Club's website, such as keeping the website up-to-date with club activities and other important information. The Webmaster has the right to update the website at their discretion (within the guidelines of Hoofers branding) and should do so frequently to ensure accuracy of information online. They will also coordinate with Hoofer Council’s VP-Information Systems along with other clubs' Executive Board members to advertise for upcoming events on the website.

At a minimum, this position requires keeping website content up-to-date; however, we recently launched a new website, and there's always areas where our online presence could be improved! No matter your previous experience or ambitions, this is still a great position to have if you are interested in computers or web design.

Social Chair

The Social Chair is responsible for planning all of Hoofer Scuba's social events outside the realm of diving, including movie viewings, events with speakers, topic discussions, field trips, culinary events, and more. These events should happen at least once or twice a month, but may occur more frequently if desired.

Since we cannot be out diving all the time (and it can be hard to get to know people while underwater), this is a great way to hang out and relax with your fellow divers! This is definitely an area the club could improve in, so if you are interested in a position that could really make a difference we encourage you to apply!

Ambassador's Scuba Liaison

Work with the Hoofer's Scuba and Hoofer's Ambassadors to make the Scuba Club accessible and welcoming to all! Learn more about the Hoofer's Ambassador's here!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email Scuba President David Sokol at scuba@hoofers.org for more information!